Green Lane CE Primary School ensures that provision for SEND children is at the heart of the Quality First Teaching approach and takes account of the individual needs of pupils. Where this goes beyond the teaching we offer additional support, specialist staff and other support services from the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust, Durham County Council and beyond.
Pastoral support if offered to any pupil who either asks for help or is referred to Mrs Linsley by teaching staff or parents. As a school we know that mental health and wellbeing are fundamental to us thriving as individuals and we ensure that Mrs Linsley is free to meet pupils on their own or in a group each week for as long as support is needed.
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator works with our SEND Team in school to manage provision for identified pupils. Regular fortnightly meetings focus on the needs of children on our SEND register and looks at new requests for support from teaching staff and parents.
At Green Lane all our staff understand their responsibility to support the needs of ALL pupils in our school. Our greatest resource is our staffing team, supported by our dedicated team of volunteers. We get to know our children as individuals and we support them with confidence and care.
Our teaching assistants are experienced in delivering a wide variety of pupil support as well as trained to provide paediatric first aid. Other staff have expertise in complex behaviour, attachment, autism, speech and language, movement and motor skills
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.