We all know that the very best place for your child to learn is in the classroom, but that is not always possible. Here at Green Lane we have a range of online learning packages that your child can access if at home, your class teacher will tell you all about them. We make extensive use of technology here at Green Lane and can even lend you a laptop if your child is off for a longer period, call us at the office to arrange this.
We have a Remote Learning Policy which you can access below which sets out how we will support a class or a child who is going to be absent from school for a longer period of time.
There are also some fantastic home learning resources that you can access via the links below online.

The Oak Academy
The Department for Education worked with teachers across the country to create a new national learning hub called The Oak Academy; there are lessons posted for every year group and we think that if you’re looking for additional home learning ideas these could really help you and your children.
BC Bitesize Daily
The BBC also have a Bitesize Daily service with further online lesson ideas which you can access. If you’re not sure which ones to tackle you can email your class teacher who can direct you to particular lessons that they feel would most benefit your child.

Just remember that we are here to support you, it might feel like you’re on your own but you are not – Team GL is right beside you!