By the end of Autumn Children in Happy Hollow will be:
- Talking about their family, their home and people who are important to them
- Exploring, being inquisitive and asking questions about the world around them
- Beginning to talk about how we celebrate cultural events such as birthdays, harvest and Christmas
By the end of Spring Children in Happy Hollow will be:
- Confident when talking about what they see, hear and smell in relation to seasonal change
- Using, making and exploring simple maps
- Appreciating that people have different beliefs in their home, school, town and around the world
By the end of EYFS Children in Happy Hollow will be:
- Aware of where they live and how this is similar and different to another country
- Knowledgeable of how animal begin life and grow
- Confident explaining why we take care of our world and the living things on it
- Excited about becoming a scientist and experimenting
- Knowledgeable about their family, people from the past, and people who are important to us
- Know about important and familiar buildings
- Able to talk about religious beliefs and begin to become familiar with the beliefs of others
Understanding the World Learning Journey (Download)