Local Academy Council

At Green Lane we have a passionate group of volunteers who form the local academy council of our school. Many are parents whose children either are at the school, others are connected to St Mary’s Church through our links with the Church of England, some come from the ranks of our dedicated staff, what links them all is an unwavering dedication to the children and families this school serves. The academy council wants to see every child achieve and thrive, we are particularly focused on assuring that our most disadvantaged pupils leave our school as ready for the next phase of their learning as every other pupil at Green Lane.

Our academy council challenges us to be the best we can be and they support us in achieving this aim. If you feel you could add to our team and help us in our mission for excellence then contact the school via email or write to our Academy Council Chair, Canon Reverend Alec Harding, using the school’s address.

The school is part of the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust, a link to their website can be found here:


Our academy council works closely with the headteacher, school staff and representatives from the DNDL Trust for the benefit of all the children in the school.

Academy Council Structure

You can find out more about the established council members, including their areas of responsibility, by clicking on their names below:

Revd Canon Alec Harding – ChairFoundation24/09/2027Collective Worship
Headteacher Supervision
Equalities Link Governor
Mrs Frances Stenlake – Vice ChairFoundation30/09/2027SafeguardingNoneNone
Mrs Jane Lawson GoldbergFoundation16/03/2026NoneNone
Mrs Alison HartleyCo-opted30/09/2027RETeacher at this schoolNone
Mr Iain BrownParent07/11/2025Nursery LiaisonGreen Lane Nursery and Childcare Centre DirectorNone
Mr Robert GoffeeHeadteacherongoingTeacher at this schoolNone
Mrs Nicola LinsleyStaff07/05/2027Wellbeing and Pastoral Care
Teacher at this schoolNone
Mrs Rachael CollinsonParent07/11/2025NoneNone
Mrs Caroline MaughanAssociate Member05/10/2026NoneNoneNone
Mrs Pamela PettyCo-opted22/01/2027NoneNoneNone

Recent leavers

  • Robin Lees
  • Jenny Currie
  • Patrick Bonnet
  • Emily Stoddart

Annual Statement

Each year the local academy council is required to publish an annual statement setting out the key issues that have been faced and addressed over the last year, and an assessment of the impact of the academy council on the school. To read the Annual Statement  view or download the full document below

2021-22 Annual-Governance-Statement-for-the-Governing-Body

The Council’s Priorities

Its three core strategic functions are:

  • Ensuring clarity of school vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the support of its staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent, particularly in relation to SEND pupils and pupil premium children

The academy council has established the Christian Ethos Committee to ensure that our core Christian values permeate throughout the school.

How To Become a Member of the Academy Council

Contact our headteacher if you think you might be able to support us even more by joining the academy council.

Attendance at Local Academy Council Meetings

Green Lane displays a record of attendance at the twice termly meetings for each school academic year.

Y                  Present
N             Not present
Apols        Apologies received and accepted

Mr Rob Goffee
Revd Canon Alec Harding – ChairYYYYYYY
Frances StenlakeYYYYYYY
Patrick BonnettApolsYApolsYApolsApolsResigned
Iain BrownYApolsYYYApolsY
Nic LinsleyYYYYYYApols
Alison HartleyYYApolsYYYY
Jane Lawson-GoldbergApolsYsYYYY
Rachael CollinsonYNApolsYYApolsN
Jenny CurrieYYYYYYTerm ended
Caroline MaughanYYYYYYY
Robin LeesYYApolsYYYOffice ended
Emily StoddartApolsApolsResignedResignedResignedResignedResigned
Pam PettyNYYYApolsApolsY

Archived Attendance

You can also view previous years attendance on our website.

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You may need a product like Adobe Reader (free download) to view our PDF documents on our website.

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