New Life
Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
- Can you share resources?
- Can you take turns?
- Can you work things out with your friends?
- Can you talk to adults?
- Can you talk about your fears?
- Can you talk about caring for living creatures?
- Can you take part in story time?
- Can you write instructions?
- Can you label a life cycle?
- Can you write and read about minibeasts?
- Can you label a plant?
Understanding of the World:
- Can you join in with seasonal walks?
- Can you use your senses?
- Can you ask visitors questions?
- Can you talk about new life?
- Can you name minibeasts?
- Where do minibeasts live?
- Can you make a wormery?
Physical Development:
- Can you move like minibeasts?
- Can you play outdoors?
- Can you take part in Forest Schools?
- What can you plant and grow?
- Can you take part in our seasonal walks?
- Can you take part in Numicon sessions?
- Can you use Numicon resources in the areas of learning?
- Can you count, sort and order the minibeasts?
- Can you talk about symmetry?
Expressive Arts and Design:
- Can you draw/make a minibeast?
- Can you sing action songs?
- Can you make a mini garden?
- Can you make a mini den?
- Can you paint with mud?
- Can you make a kite?
Communication and Language:
- Can you listen and respond to narratives and nonfiction texts?
- Can you communicate when playing in the role play area?
- Can you communicate when playing in the small world area?
- Can you talk about likes and dislikes?
- Can you talk about similarities and differences?
- Can you ask a question?