Room on a Broom
- Can you write about the characters from the book?
- Can you recognise words?
- Can you write a witch’s potion?
- Can you write a spell?
Understanding of the World:
- Can you make a potion?
- Can you make a broomstick?
- Can you research frogs, cats and dogs?
- Can you join in with forest school?
Physical Development:
- Can you fly on your broomstick?
- Can you create with the malleable resources?
- What skills can you use to create?
- Can you join in with disco dough?
- Can you explore the loose parts?
Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
- Are all witches’ bad characters?
- If you were a witch what would your character be like?
- Can you share resources and take turns?
- Can you talk about feelings and emotions?
- Can you measure and order the broomsticks
- using the Numicon resources?
- Can you talk about capacity at the potion station?
- Can you order the numbers on the broomstick?
Expressive Arts and Design:
- Can you make a wand?
- Can you make a broomstick?
- Can you make a witch’s hat?
- Can you create music for a spell?
Communication and Language:
- Can you listen to the story?
- Can you talk about the story?
- What other stories have witches in them?
- Can you change the ending of the story?